Commission Schedule
Referral Partner: 20%
As a Referral Partner, you earn 20% of the net loan revenue on loans you refer directly to ICS where the loan is assigned to an ICS Senior Loan Advisor and you do not participate as the primary Broker on the loan.
Independent Loan Broker: 100%
If you choose to work with ICS as an Independent Loan Broker, you handle all correspondence with the client, including loan program identification, and document gathering. You earn 100% of any loan origination points you charge to your client.
Net Loan Revenue
Net Loan Revenue is the total gross transaction loan origination fees less any referral partner fees you may owe a 3rd party. For example, if a loan's gross loan origination point revenue is $20,000 with $4,000 in referral fee payouts, the net loan revenue to you is $16,000. If there is no 3rd party you are paying a referral fee to, then you earn $20,000